Histopathologic varieties of epidermal nevus A study of 160 cases

WPD Su - The American Journal of Dermatopathology, 1982 - journals.lww.com
The histopathologic features of 167 biopsy specimens from 160 patients with clinically
typical epidermal nevi seen at the Mayo Clinic between 1960 and 1978 were reviewed. The
most common histopathologic pattern of epidermal nevus was hyperkeratosis, papillo-
matosis, and acanthosis with elongation of rete ridges. Other histopathologic varieties of
epidermal nevus included 1) acrokeratosis verruciformis-like, 2) epidermolytic
hyperkeratosis, 3) seborrheic keratosis-like, 4) psoriasiform (inflammatory linear verrucous …